You’ve probably heard of at least one person who tried a rehab program, and it didn’t work for them. Maybe they relapsed, or maybe, they just didn’t finish the program at all. We’ve all heard at least one of those stories at some point. We hear them quite often here at Faith Recovery Center in Beverley Hills too.
If you are considering a rehab program for yourself or a loved one, this might be one of the reasons you’re hesitating. What if it doesn’t work?
There are actually several reasons why rehab programs don’t work. Here are a few that might apply to the stories you’ve heard.
1. They’re Not Ready to Change
The single most important thing in the success of any rehab or substance abuse treatment program is that the person being treated needs to want to change.
This applies to everything from quitting smoking to getting off hard drugs. If the person seeking treatment is not genuinely committed to making the change, they’re starting off on the back foot, and there’s a good chance the treatment program won’t work.
You can’t force someone to be ready for change either. But you can be ready for them when they are, and then you can help them to find the right addiction therapy program for their situation.
2. They Don’t Change Enough
Very few people who abuse substances do it alone. Usually, they have friends and enablers who they spend time with who either use with them or look the other way when they do.
Substance abuse treatments work well to change the way people think and behave, but if they return to the same people and situations as they left behind, there’s a good chance they will slip back into old habits.
When you complete substance abuse treatment, you need to make sure you change your life and lifestyle outside of treatment too. That means not spending time with people who supported or enabled your habits and avoiding situations and places where you might be tempted to relapse.
3. There Isn’t Enough Support
Rehab and recovery are not a finite thing. You don’t walk into the Faith Recovery Center broken, spend a few weeks working on your problems and walk out permanently fixed.
Even after you complete your active recovery, you need to maintain that and keep reminding yourself why you made the choice to be sober.
That means when you leave rehab, you need to find support to help you stay the course. Sometimes, that means family or friends, and sometimes, it’s outpatient programs that you can attend when you find yourself struggling.
4. You Chose the Wrong Program
The most famous recovery program is the twelve step program, but that doesn’t mean twelve step programs work for everyone.
These programs require people to admit that they are powerless and to hand over their sobriety to a higher power. Whether it’s for religious reasons or because they don’t like the idea of being powerless, many people find that doesn’t work for them.
Fortunately, there are many options out there that aren’t twelve step programs. So, spend some time finding the right non 12 step program for you, and take control of how you tackle your substance abuse problem.
5. You Need More Help
Sometimes, people need a little more help to succeed in long term recovery. It’s not that they can’t or won’t change that makes them slide back into bad habits. They just need a little more time to make the commitment to change.
Even smokers usually try more than once before they quit for good. So, if you or your loved one has tried and failed, please don’t give up. Contact a rehab specialist like Faith Recovery Center and find another option. Recovery is possible. It takes work and effort, but everyone can live a life free of addiction and substance abuse. Let us help.