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Is It Selfish Not to Forgive a Loved One in Addiction Recovery?

A woman in white shirt alone while the family are at the back

Forgiving someone in addiction is a personal process and requires time and support. Forgiveness is a complex and often misunderstood concept, especially when it involves a loved one in addiction recovery. It plays a crucial role in the healing process, both for the person seeking it and for the one offering it.

For those in recovery, knowing they are forgiven can be a powerful motivator that helps them stay on the path of sobriety. However, the act of forgiving is not always straightforward. It involves grappling with feelings of hurt, betrayal, and anger, which can be challenging to overcome.

If you have a loved one in recovery, the question of whether it is selfish not to forgive someone who is striving to overcome their past mistakes is a deeply personal and complex issue.

How do you balance your own emotional well-being with the need for forgiveness in a relationship? Is it ever okay to prioritize your own healing and say no to forgiveness?

In this blog post, we’ll offer some insights to help you navigate this sensitive topic. By considering these key points, may it help you go determine whether you are ready to offer forgiveness. We also hope to help you make a decision that is best for both you and your loved one in recovery.

Forgiving is easy to say but hard to do

“I forgive you” are three small words, but they hold immense power. However, saying them is much easier than actually doing it. It’s not difficult to do lip service and tell someone that you forgive them but in your heart, are you really able to let go of the hurt and pain? Are you truly able to move on and not hold onto resentment? These are crucial questions to ask yourself before deciding whether or not you are ready to forgive.

It’s also possible that you’re not even ready to talk to this person, let alone be in their presence or forgive them. And that’s okay. Forgiveness is a process and it takes time to heal from painful experiences and betrayal. It’s important to give yourself the grace and space to work through your emotions before expecting yourself to forgive.

Crying woman turns her back from her husband asking for forgiveness

Forgiveness doesn't mean forgetting

One common misconception about forgiveness is that it means you have to forget what happened and everything will go back to normal. While it’s not productive to keep bringing up past mistakes and using them against someone, it’s also important to acknowledge that what happened did happen. It’s okay to remember what happened and how it made you feel but the key is to not hold onto it with resentment.

Forgiveness means letting go of the negative emotions associated with the event and choosing to move forward. It doesn’t mean you have to pretend like nothing  ever happened or that it didn’t affect you. Acknowledging and accepting what happened is a crucial part of the healing process.

Forgiveness is for your own benefit

Woman holding her hand up to stop her partner from talking anymore

Most people think forgiveness is something you do for the other person, but in reality, forgiveness is ultimately for your own benefit. Perhaps the reason you think you are not ready to forgive is because you don’t want to let the other person off the hook or give them peace of mind. However, when you don’t forgive, it ultimately weighs you down and holds you back from moving on with your life.

Forgiveness is a powerful tool that allows you to let go of negative emotions, free yourself from resentment, and find inner peace. It’s not about excusing the other person’s actions or condoning what they did, but it’s about releasing yourself from the burden of anger and bitterness.

Get support for loved ones struggling with addiction

So is it selfish not to forgive? Not necessarily. It’s important to recognize that forgiveness is a personal journey and everyone has their own timeline for it. If someone you love is struggling with addiction, it can be especially challenging to forgive them.

Addiction can cause hurt, pain, and damage within relationships, making forgiveness seem impossible. However, it’s important to remember that addiction is a disease and the person struggling with it also needs support, understanding, and love.

If you’re struggling to forgive someone in your life, don’t be afraid to seek help. Talking to a therapist or counselor can provide valuable insights and tools for navigating the forgiveness process. They can also assist in setting healthy boundaries and managing expectations.

For a loved one struggling with addiction, seeking support from a professional can also be beneficial. At Faith Recovery Center, we  offer individual and family therapy to address addiction and its impact on relationships. Our therapists are trained to help individuals and families heal together through forgiveness, communication, and building healthy coping mechanisms.

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